Welcome to The Amphibious Warfare blog, the place for you who can't decide whether you prefer mud to salty seas or vice versa. Here you'll find books, films, model kits and a few other things that are related to the world of amphibious warfare, many times from a modellers point of view. Do not hesitate to comment or give me a hint if you miss something here. Please do not expect this blog to get updated every day.



A Magazine; Military in Scale, January 2007

Let's continue on the Sherman track from the other day. The MiS issue of January 2007 had a nice build article on the Academy M4A2 kit. The kit is said to be not fully correct but for some people there just aren't any correct kits out there, final. So go grab a fist full of resin and aluminium barrels then! For the rest of us it is good enough I think. I'm happy Ashley Webb chose a really nice sand and green camou for his Sherman,so will I one of these days! The Perth Military Modelling site, Missing Lynx and Military Modelling magazine have reviews of the kit.

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