Welcome to The Amphibious Warfare blog, the place for you who can't decide whether you prefer mud to salty seas or vice versa. Here you'll find books, films, model kits and a few other things that are related to the world of amphibious warfare, many times from a modellers point of view. Do not hesitate to comment or give me a hint if you miss something here. Please do not expect this blog to get updated every day.



A Magazine; Airfix Magazine March 1974

Now this is funny, I was leafing through a bunch of old magazines in a book shop and found this issue of the Airfix Magazine. There seems to be an Alvis wherever I look these days. The comment on the cover photo is "Three Alvis Stalwart get their feet wet during an exercise recently. Modelling details for a Stalwart in 1:76 scale appeared in our November 1973 issue." So let's find that issue, shall we?

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