Welcome to The Amphibious Warfare blog, the place for you who can't decide whether you prefer mud to salty seas or vice versa. Here you'll find books, films, model kits and a few other things that are related to the world of amphibious warfare, many times from a modellers point of view. Do not hesitate to comment or give me a hint if you miss something here. Please do not expect this blog to get updated every day.



A book; Commandos from the Sea

Commandos from the Sea; John B Dwyer, Paladin Press

'The first amphibious operation in US military history occurred in March 1776...' this book begins and the rest is history, as they say. This is an eye witness account of the build up, training and operational roles of the US amphibious commandos. Ever heard of the Scouts & Raiders, Naval Combat Demolition units, Underwater Demolition Teams, Unit Robby, Phib Recon Marines or Beach Jumpers? Of the units mentioned, only UDTs were known to me. This book is in a big size and not many photos are included so there is the more to read and learn from.


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