Welcome to The Amphibious Warfare blog, the place for you who can't decide whether you prefer mud to salty seas or vice versa. Here you'll find books, films, model kits and a few other things that are related to the world of amphibious warfare, many times from a modellers point of view. Do not hesitate to comment or give me a hint if you miss something here. Please do not expect this blog to get updated every day.



A Film; Colour of War: D-Day

Sometimes it's hard to belive there was colour in the world before 1950 or so. This fantastic DVD puts things straight. All in colour it provides much useful information on what landing crafts looked like. No more doubt on how dark Navy Blue or how gaudy red hull bottoms were. The film begins with a short recapitulation on Stalingrad, Tunisia, the invasion of Sicily, the conference in Casablanca where the Germany first doctrine was cemented. Although the title of this DVD is D-Day one should not think it is entirely on June 6. Most of the material is focused on the build up and aftermath of the actual landing itself. One can imagine there was not much filming done during the actual fighting on D-Day and therefore there aren't much to show, at least not in colour. Maybe that is the reason for the few genuine landing sequences to be so much more touching and horrible. Starring landing craft wise there will be LCVP, LCM, LCT, LST.

Much recommended.

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