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A book; Going to the Wars

Going to the Wars; Max Hastings, Macmillan

Many times journalism is made with a telephone by a desk in a town. War journalism can not be made that way but has to be done where the action is. One such reporter who went where it all happened is Max Hastings and he was at the Falkland Islands during the conflict in 1982. Going to the Wars is a compilation of some of the conflicts Hastings has covered, like a comment of the years spent at the front lines. Northern Ireland, Vietnam, Angola, Biafra, Yom Kippour, Rhodesia are there as the chapters on the Falklands. A good quarter of the book is on the South Atlantic events and is a jolly good reason for reading it. Max Hastings is also the author of Overlord and The Battle for the Falklands, two other books on amphibious matters. Will have to check them out I guess.

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