Welcome to The Amphibious Warfare blog, the place for you who can't decide whether you prefer mud to salty seas or vice versa. Here you'll find books, films, model kits and a few other things that are related to the world of amphibious warfare, many times from a modellers point of view. Do not hesitate to comment or give me a hint if you miss something here. Please do not expect this blog to get updated every day.



A magazine; Steel Masters, April-May 2012

The other day I found an article on the LVTP-5 in the Classic Military Vehicle magazine. As all good things comes in clusters (as well as bad things...) I should have expected more of it, and of course it sat there just in front of me very eyes as I flicked open the French modelling magazine that has the English title of Steel Masters.

Six pages of fairly easily decipherable French (how hard can it be to find out what PSP, 12,7 mm or Mig productions means in English?) gives us a step by step ride through how to make a Vietnam era LVTP-5 diorama with some nice water effects to enhance the action.

As a bonus there is a club presentation page containing a rather small photo of a very well executed diorama of a Dragon Wagon/LCM 3 combo getting an OD over paint for the Rhine crossing in March 1945. And it looks to be in 1/35, massive! Great inspiration for the future.

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